
More Glunk Site Digging

May 2, 2014
-the day began with the team working at college fr about 1/2 hour taking inventory of some artifacts we had found
-we then went to the Glunk site

Glunk Site 36LY0345
weather: overcast, chilly, but no rain
time: 9AM-3:30PM

EU 18 SW Quadrant Level 2: 10-24in.
dig: me           sift: Emily
artifact notes: -stones (various) (indt.)
- chert debitage (prehistoric)
-iron nails (historic)
-red okre (prehistoric)
-limestone (historic)
-brick fragments (historic)

feature notes: -due to the fact that the main features of Level 2 were stains in the soil.
- I did not use the shovel, and instead used the trowel as a scarper, and a brush for cleaning the delicate features
-In this level, the soil changes into an orange-yellow sand matrix
-the presence of both historic and prehistoric artifacts in the matrix shows that this suffered a historic era contamination
-as before, there were a large amount of roots, which required the use of clippers
-in order to not go down too far in one quadrant, we stopped at 24in down. Emily then took the SE Quadrant down to 24in.

Me digging the SW Quadrant
SE Quadrant Level 2 10-24in down
dig : Emily            dig: me

artifact notes: -plastic (historic)
-stones (various) (indt.)
-charcoal (indt.)
-glass shards (historic)
-wood in-situ (indt.)
-limestone fragments (historic)
-brick fragments (historic)
-chert debitage (prehistoric)
-iron nails (historic)

feature notes: -again, the soil changes to a yellow-orange sand matrix
-the presence of both historic and prehistoric artifacts leads me to the hypothesis that this pre-historic layer was dug into the historical era
-several features were found in this level
-this shows evidence of a possible Native American fire pit
-the red brown stain is thought to be soil stained with animal fat from cooking, it also had small fragments of wood in-situ
-the charcoal matrix is more evidence of a fire pit
-samples of the wood and charcoal were taken in case more testing could be done
-Emily used the scrapper- brush technique I did, with the same tools.
here is a drawing of the SE Quadrant Level 2

Here is a drawing of the SW Quadrant Level 2
