May 7, 2014
36LY0345 Glunk site
weather: cloudy, and chilly (around 45 degrees F)
time: 9AM-1PM
EU 18
NE Quadrant 12-27in
digger: Emily sifter: me
artifact notes: -brick fragments (historic)
-limestone fragments (historic)
-iron nails (historic)
-glass shards- window pane late 1800s (historic)
-stones (indt.)
-chert flakes (prehistoric)
-jasper chert flake (prehistoric)
feature notes: -the yellow-orange sand matrix (munsel color: 7.5YR/4/4) had patches of black charcoal in it
-the red-brown stain (munsel color: 10YR/4/3), previously thought to be a fire pit, is now thought to possible be a stin from an oil spill
-the historical artifacts are now thought to be evidence of a historical era shed (possible storing oil?)
SE Quadrant 19-33in
dig: me sift: Emily
artifact notes:- stones (indt.)
-limestone (probably historic)
-chert debitage (prehistoric)
-iron fragments (historic)
-glass shards- window pane late 1800s (historic)
feature notes: - I took the bisected part of the SE Quadrant down from 19 to 33in.
-Same feature noted for the previous section of the SE Quadrant
-I began SE Quadrant wall cleanup- though did not finish
After leaving the site around 1PM (due to the threat of rain), we returned to campus, where I worked on taking inventory of some artifacts for around two hours
36LY0345 Glunk site
weather: cloudy, and chilly (around 45 degrees F)
time: 9AM-1PM
EU 18
NE Quadrant 12-27in
digger: Emily sifter: me
artifact notes: -brick fragments (historic)
-limestone fragments (historic)
-iron nails (historic)
-glass shards- window pane late 1800s (historic)
-stones (indt.)
-chert flakes (prehistoric)
-jasper chert flake (prehistoric)
feature notes: -the yellow-orange sand matrix (munsel color: 7.5YR/4/4) had patches of black charcoal in it
-the red-brown stain (munsel color: 10YR/4/3), previously thought to be a fire pit, is now thought to possible be a stin from an oil spill
-the historical artifacts are now thought to be evidence of a historical era shed (possible storing oil?)
SE Quadrant 19-33in
dig: me sift: Emily
artifact notes:- stones (indt.)
-limestone (probably historic)
-chert debitage (prehistoric)
-iron fragments (historic)
-glass shards- window pane late 1800s (historic)
feature notes: - I took the bisected part of the SE Quadrant down from 19 to 33in.
-Same feature noted for the previous section of the SE Quadrant
-I began SE Quadrant wall cleanup- though did not finish
Here is a drawing of EU 18 features from 20-27in |