
May 6th Glunk Dig pt. 1

May 12, 2014
Glunk Site 36LY0345
weather: sunny, chilly
time: 9AM-4PM

EU 18
SE Quadrant 10-20in.

feature notes: -I dug the whole quadrant down to 20in.
-I used the trowel as a scrapper, and used the clippers to cut troublesome roots
-the before mentioned stain went down to 20in. The professor then told me to bisect the quadrant, with me taking the West half down to 31in. (where the stain broke up into spots).
-the only things found in the stain were fire cracked rocks (supporting the fire pit hypothesis), with the historical artifacts in the surrounding sand matrix (which included things such as glass shards, nails, rubber, and varius pices of iron), as well as a part of a possible prehistoric worked stone pendant. A sample of the stain was taken for possible testing. After finding that the stain petters out around 31in., I did several drawings, while Emilt took several pictures.
Here is a picture looking at the base of the bisection

Here is a picture looking down at the bisection of the SE Quadrant 

Here is a drawing of the two quadrant
 drawings of the SE Quadrant

SE Quadrant Wall 20-31in

Here is a drawing of the Se Qd.- Ne Qd.
wall from 12-26in.