
May 6th Glunk Dig pt. 2

Here is a drawing of EU 18
SE-NE Quad. wall 12-31in.
NW Quadrant 12-23in. down
dig: Emily         sift: me

artifact notes: -fire cracked rocks (indt)
-wood fragments (indt.)
-charcoal (indt.)
-brick fragments (historic)
-glass shards (hisoric)
-small stones (indt.)
-rubber (historic)
-chert flakes (prehistoric)
-iron slag (historic)

feature notes: -in this level, we found fire cracked rocks in the stain, along with wood, and all other artifacts were round outside the stain
-she used the trowel in the same manner I did
-I had to wash and then bite the rubber to determine that the object was rubber

Here is the drawing for the NW Quad
at 12-23in down