May 1st 2014
Glunk site 36LY0345 weather: muddy, damp,
cool, overcast
Time: 9AM-4PM
EU 18
here is a picture of me excavating the surface layer of soil in the SW quadrant (before i switched to the trowel) |
NE Quadrant
Dig: me sift:
0-14in: artifacts: -glass shards (historic)
-limestone chunks and fragments (historic)
-brick fragments (historic)
-various stones (indt.)
notes: - at 14 inches, the soil changes to a yellow-orange sand matrix with
streaks of black charcoal in it (signs of s fire pit?)
originally started off with the shovel, but then (after some thought) switched
to the trowel and used it as a scrapper so I could more easily discern soil features
NW Quadrant
Dig: Emily sift:
0-10in: artifact notes: -iron nails
-limestone fragments (historic)
-pottery shards (prehistoric)
-chert flakes (prehistoric)
-brick fragments (historic)
-various stones (indt.)
notes: -while digging, Emily came across a rather large limestone stone, which
was removed after being documented
between sifting, I aided in the removal of roots in the pit with the clippers
Here is another picture of me excavating the SW quadrant with the rest of the team in the background |