
Last Day of Digging

May 15, 2014
36Ly0345 Glunk
EU 18 E Wall breakdown
weather: humid, misty, cloudy
time: 9AM-12PM

SE Quadrant 24-33in

feature notes: no new features

artifact notes: -fire cracked rocks (indt.)
-chert flakes (prehistoric)
-charcoal fragments (indt.)

I then took drawings of the South and North walls of the connected EU 16-17-18 pit

12PM-6PM: The team wrapped up the day washing artifacts and separating out any significant finds (rim shards, arrow points etc.)

-End of the American Archaeology class
Here is my drawing of the South Wall
of the three pits

Here is my drawing of the North Wall
of the three pits


Even More Glunk Digging

May 14, 2014
36LY0345 Glunk
weather: sunny, cool
time: 9AM-3PM

E Wall Take down SE Qudarant 0-12in.
dig: me          sift: Emily

feature notes: no new features

artifact notes: -indt. stones (indt.)
-limestone fragments (historic)
-brick fragments (historic)
-fire cracked rocks (indt.)
-iron nails (historic)
-chert flakes (prehistoric)

E Wall Take down SE Quadrant 12-24in.
dig: Emily    sift: me

feature notes: no new features

artifacts: -limestone fragments (historic)
-brick fragments (historic)
-iron nails (historic)
-chert flakes (prehistoric)
-fire cracked rocks (indt.)
-glass shard- window pane late 1800s (historic)

E Wall Take down NE Quadrant 12-24in.
dig: me          sift: Emily

feature notes: no new features

artifact notes: -brick fragments (historic)
-fire cracked rocks (indt.)
-chert flakes (prehistoric)

E Wall Takedown NE Quadrant 24-33in.
dig: Emily     sift: me

feature notes: no new features

artifact notes: -chert tempered pottery (prehistoric)
-chert flakes (prehistoric)
-fire cracked rocks- sandstone (indt.)
-brick fragments (historic)
-worked small stone (prehistoric)
- charcoal (indt.)


Flint Fail Part 2 and Glunk Digging

May, 13, 2014
- I tried flint knapping for a while, though I quickly switched to washing artifacts due to an extreme lack of success with flint knapping.

Glunk 36LY0345
weather: damp, humid, cloudy
time: 12PM-3PM

East Wall Take down 0-12in NE Quadrant
dig: Emily        sift: me

artifact notes: -indt. iron objects (historic)
iron nails (historic)
brick fragments (historic)
-limestone fragments (historic)
-fire cracked rocks (indt.)
-chert debitage (prehistoric)
-glass shard- window pane late 1800s (historic)

feature notes: -no real features

additional notes: -I walked the farm field looking for artifacts, but only for a little while
-I also assisted two of my classmates with sifting


Flint Fail and Another Day of Digging at Glunk

May 12, 2014
-from 9AM-12PM, the team worked to attempt  flint knapping. The atlatal (the tool we were building), is the lever, and the part that gets thrown by the atlatal is the spear with the flint point. We had little success though (due to lack of proper tools and good flint). Dr. Knauth showed up though for the day with the proper tools, though we went out to the site instead of working with flint.

36LY0345 Glunk
weather: cloudy, humid, hot
time: 12PM-4PM
digger: Emily     sifter: me
-Dr. Knauth observed out work today

SE Quadrant wall cleanup
artifact notes: -fire cracked rocks (indt.)
-chert flakes (prehistoric)
-iron nails and iron misc. objects (historic)

feature notes: -Emily used the trowel as a scrapper
-limestone and brick lumps were located in the wall

NE Wall Cleanup NE Quadrant
dig: me     sift: Emily

artifact notes: fire cracked rocks (indt.)
-iron pieces (historic)

feature notes: -I used the trowel as a scrapper
-separate artifact bags by level, even with wall cleanup

artifact notes: -fire cracked rocks (indt)
limestone fragments (historic)
iron nails (historic)
<note> one of the iron nails was bent, which is evidence of a burnt building (probably linked to nearby materials)

feature notes:- I used the trowel as a scrapper

artifact notes: -fire cracked rocks (indt)
- iron nails (historic)

feature notes: -I used the trowel as a scrapper

additional notes: -Emily took pictures of the walls of the pit with my makeshift sign showing which wall was which
-Emily then took munsel soil color samples for a few different soil features:
A) top soil : 10YR/3/2
B) black charcoal: 7.5YR/2.5/0
C) dark-orange-yellow sand: 10YR/5/3
D) Pink-yellow-orange stain: 7.5YR/5/4
-I then did drawings of the North and East Walls:

EU 18 East Wall drawing

EU 18  North Wall drawing

EU 17-18 Wall take down:
-dig: Emily                 sift: me
-sadly, we only got one bucket of dirt sifted before the rain came, closing out dig for the day

Here is a picture of the East Wall of EU 18

Here is a picture of the South Wall of EU18

Here is a picture of the North Wall of EU18

Here is a picture of the West Wall of EU18
(sorry about the professor being in the background of the picture)


Paperwork Day

Today, we began the day by getting all of our notes and New Berlin paperwork in order. After that was done, we spent the rest of the day cataloging the remaining artifact bags from the New Berlin site.


Even More Glunk Digging

May 8, 2014
36LY0345 Glunk Site
weather: sunny, humid, wet
time: 12:30PM-6PM

EU 18
-We began the day by building a small dike to prevent water from getting into our square

SW Quadrant 24-33in. (Level 3)
dig: Emily       sift: me

artifact notes: -brick fragments (historic)
-iron nails and pieces (historic)
-glass shards- window pane late 1800s (historic)
-limestone fragments (historic)
-worked stones (prehistoric)
-chert flakes (prehistoric)

feature notes: -new stain theory #1: -the stain is evidence of a limestone kiln.
A)-evidenced by fire cracked rocks and large amount of limestone
B)- the iron pieces could be evidence of tools
C) although- there are no by-products of a limestone kiln

Here is a drawing of the SW Quadrant
 27-33in in EU 18
NW Quadrant 27-33in
digger: me         sifter: Emily

artifact notes: - brick fragments (historic)
-rocks (indt.)
-glass shards- window pane late 1800s (historic)
-pottery fragments (prehistoric)

feature notes: -stain theory #2:
A) collapses chimney- accounts for fire cracked rocks as well as the large sandstone, limestone, and bricks
B) the stain itself is due to some type of seepage (oil?)- need chemical analysis to be sure
-stain theory #3: Borrow/Trash Pit::
A)- people threw things in the pit in the late 1800s- glass nails, bricks etc.
B)- stain  comes from something thrown in the pit (container of oil?)

Here is a drawing of the NW Quadrant
 from 27-33in.
NE Quadrant 27-33in.
digger:me      sifter: Emily

artifact notes: -iron pieces (historic)
--small stones (indt.)
-brick fragments (historic)
-quartzite stones (indt.)
-chert debitage (prehistoric)

feature notes:- roughly the same stain and charcoal patterns as before in other quadrants

Here is a drawing of the NE Quadrant
 27-33in down
Wall cleanup: I cleaned up the NW and SW Quadrant walls using the trowel as a scrapper
Emily began on the SE Quadrant wall cleanup, but we did not finish today.


More Glunk Digging

May 7, 2014
36LY0345 Glunk site
weather: cloudy, and chilly (around 45 degrees F)
time: 9AM-1PM

EU 18
NE Quadrant 12-27in
digger: Emily      sifter: me

artifact notes: -brick fragments (historic)
-limestone fragments (historic)
-iron nails (historic)
-glass shards- window pane late 1800s (historic)
-stones (indt.)
-chert flakes (prehistoric)
-jasper chert flake (prehistoric)

feature notes: -the yellow-orange sand matrix (munsel color: 7.5YR/4/4) had patches of black charcoal in it
-the red-brown stain (munsel color: 10YR/4/3), previously thought to be a fire pit, is now thought to possible be a stin from an oil spill
-the historical artifacts are now thought to be evidence of a historical era shed (possible storing oil?)

SE Quadrant 19-33in
dig: me         sift: Emily

artifact notes:- stones (indt.)
-limestone (probably historic)
-chert debitage (prehistoric)
-iron fragments (historic)
-glass shards- window pane late 1800s (historic)

feature notes: - I took the bisected part of the SE Quadrant down from 19 to 33in.
-Same feature noted for the previous section of the SE Quadrant
-I began SE Quadrant wall cleanup- though did not finish

Here is a drawing of EU 18
features from 20-27in
After leaving the site around 1PM (due to the threat of rain), we returned to campus, where I worked on taking inventory of some artifacts for around two hours