Glunk Site PA, USA
April 28, 2014
Weather: sunny, cool
Time: 9AM-4PM
EU 18, SW Quadrant
Dig: me sift:
0-10in: -brick fragments- yellow
(decorative purpose?), large chunks, and orange fragments (historic)
-limestone fragments (mortar?) (Historic)
<note> due to the large number of
sizeable roots, the shovel had to be abandoned, and the clippers (for said
roots) had to be used
-chert tempered pottery fragments
SE Quadrant
Dig: Emily sift:
0-10in: -sandstone block (indt.)
-brick: yellow chunks (decorative?), and
orange fragments (historic)
-limestone fragments (mortar?) (Historic)
-chert debitage (prehistoric)
-chord stamped pottery shard, chert
tempered (prehistoric)
-chert dart/arrowhead (prehistoric-
woodlands era)
-iron nails (historic)
-charcoal fragments (indt.)
-Sandstone pebbles (indt.)
-chert arrowhead with broken tip
(prehistoric: Shanks Ferry culture)
NE Quadrant
Dig: me sift:
0-10in: -glass shards (historic)
-iron nails (historic)
-Incised stone- purpose unknown
-orange brick fragments (historic)
-chert flakes (prehistoric)
-limestone (mortar) (historic)
<note> again; due to the roots, the
shovel had to be abandoned in favor of the trowel and clippers
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Here is a picture of two of my classmates digging, while I was taking notes on the Emily's and I dig square and what we found in it (sorry for the professor's finger in front of the lens). |